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Channeling Friend’s Daily Offering, information taken from Life Readings Channeled through Friend since 1983 and edited for privacy

Daily Stress


Calming Moment

Moment to calm stress and see clearly

MJ during reading with Friend:

It seems like the daily stress is rising for me and I’m constantly worried about forgetting things. I have a calendar, a day planner; I put my reminders in my computer and phone. But I feel as if I am always behind. I’m running forever running to catch up.

Friend during a Channeling Reading:

This has become a very real problem with certain people and I do understand your dedication to your family, job and community…that shows you are trying to please and do well. As well as make changes for the good. But obviously if you can put your feelings in such a precise way saying; ‘always running’ then it has to be time to slow down and become more relaxed about your hours in the day.

Here are a few things you might try and see if it helps:

  1. Allow yourself to check for email three times a day only and to respond twice. You will see that when you set your pattern other people will adjust to it. They will know you do your mail at the beginning and end of day and that you only respond in the morning for the days issues. With the exception of high priority emails…you will simply know that there may be email in your inbox all the time…but you do go through and edit on a set schedule.
  2. Tell yourself that certain times are turn off phone and text times. Maybe for ½ of your lunch hour you go silent…and after 7PM you are silent. This means that others will soon learn your routine and respond in kind. Just because someone sends you a text or leaves you a message, does not mean you have to respond. Don’t allow yourself to respond to each message…respond when you have time and ignore the pull to have your fingers in movement at all times. For instance…when you are driving or shopping or at the library…you need and must have free quiet time so your mind can regroup.
  3. Take time, each time you go to the bathroom…to take deep breaths as you wash your hands and think of yourself as re-energizing yourself. This is like a mini meditation. It will keep you centered and allow messages from your own guides to filter through, as well as energy from those that you love.
  4. Journal each evening before you go to sleep…get quiet and just write things down…lists, to do’s, ideas, and prayers…just write for a few minutes. It will clear out your mind each evening so you can have a restful sleep. It will also allow your dreams to guide you with answers to your questions or worries.
  5. Stay sharp on your diet. If you are in a run, your food is running with you. This is one of the biggest mistakes people make in their thirties and forties…they begin to think food is unimportant and before they know it  their health starts to slip. That is really unwise thinking. Your body will not function well without the proper food. I don’t have to inform you on food, I know you know what is good for you or not. But I will remind you there is no excuse for not taking good food with you during the day. Get a good chill bag and pack it with the right snacks, filtered water, and supplements…so you can find that boost of energy when you feel down and out late in the afternoon.
  6. Finally, remember that you have to set rules for yourself before you set them for others. You have to say to yourself…’I’m important, what I do and say is important…so I am going to give my energy at a time and place that is good for me’. Feeling like others will judge you if you are not everything to everyone, is immature thinking – change it!

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Please call the office and leave your message at 253-216-6157

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